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How to create a new instance

Please follow our login steps regarding login in into Fleio.

Create new instance

After login in into Fleio you can click on CREATE INSTANCE button.


  1. In the new opened window you have to give a name to your instance (server.domain.tld), select a region (Amsterdam, Bucharest, Cluj, Dallas, Fremont, London). Now you have to select the package you need (M4-new) fleio_create

  2. Now you have to choose the OS you want to add (centos-7-x86_64) fleio_select

  3. Last step is to set a strong root password like " n58AOMksj!qk " then click CREATE INSTANCE.


After you hit CREATE INSTANCE, you must wait a few moments until OS is fully installed.

Now your instance will be live and ready to use.